Gradient Descent With Momentum


Gradient Descent With Momentum

The problem with gradient descent is that the weight update at a moment (t) is governed by the learning rate and gradient at that moment only. It doesn’t take into account the past steps taken while traversing the cost space.

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It leads to the following problems.

  1. The gradient of the cost function at saddle points( plateau) is negligible or zero, which in turn leads to small or no weight updates. Hence, the network becomes stagnant, and learning stops
  2. The path followed by Gradient Descent is very jittery even when operating with mini-batch mode

Consider the below cost surface.

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Let’s assume the initial weights of the network under consideration correspond to point A. With gradient descent, the Loss function decreases rapidly along the slope AB as the gradient along this slope is high. But as soon as it reaches point B the gradient becomes very low. The weight updates around B is very small. Even after many iterations, the cost moves very slowly before getting stuck at a point where the gradient eventually becomes zero.

In this case, ideally, cost should have moved to the global minima point C, but because the gradient disappears at point B, we are stuck with a sub-optimal solution.

How can momentum fix this?

Now, Imagine you have a ball rolling from point A. The ball starts rolling down slowly and gathers some momentum across the slope AB. When the ball reaches point B, it has accumulated enough momentum to push itself across the plateau region B and finally following slope BC to land at the global minima C.

How can this be used and applied to Gradient Descent?

To account for the momentum, we can use a moving average over the past gradients. In regions where the gradient is high like AB, weight updates will be large. Thus, in a way we are gathering momentum by taking a moving average over these gradients. But there is a problem with this method, it considers all the gradients over iterations with equal weightage. The gradient at t=0 has equal weightage as that of the gradient at current iteration t. We need to use some sort of weighted average of the past gradients such that the recent gradients are given more weightage.

This can be done by using an Exponential Moving Average(EMA). An exponential moving average is a moving average that assigns a greater weight on the most recent values.

The EMA for a series Y may be calculated recursively

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  • The coefficient β represents the degree of weighting increase, a constant smoothing factor between 0 and 1. A lower β discounts older observations faster.
  • Y(t) is the value at a period t.
  • S(t) is the value of the EMA at any period t.

In our case of a sequence of gradients, the new weight update equation at iteration t becomes

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Let's break it down.

𝓥(t): is the new weight update done at iteration t

β: Momentum constant

𝛿(t): is the gradient at iteration t

Assume the weight update at the zeroth iteration t=0 is zero

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Think about the constant β and ignore the term (1-β) in the above equation.

Note: In many texts, you might find (1-β) replaced with η the learning rate.

what if β is 0.1?

At n=3; the gradient at t =3 will contribute 100% of its value, the gradient at t=2 will contribute 10% of its value, and gradient at t=1 will only contribute 1% of its value.

here contribution from earlier gradients decreases rapidly.

what if β is 0.9?

At n=3; the gradient at t =3 will contribute 100% of its value, t=2 will contribute 90% of its value, and gradient at t=1 will contribute 81% of its value.

From above, we can deduce that higher β will accommodate more gradients from the past. Hence, generally, β is kept around 0.9 in most of the cases.

Note: The actual contribution of each gradient in the weight update will be further subjected to the learning rate.

This addresses our first point where we said when the gradient at the current moment is negligible or zero the learning becomes zero. Using momentum with gradient descent, gradients from the past will push the cost further to move around a saddle point.

In the cost surface shown earlier let's zoom into point C.

With gradient descent, if the learning rate is too small, the weights will be updated very slowly hence convergence takes a lot of time even when the gradient is high. This is shown in the left side image below. If the learning rate is too high cost oscillates around the minima as shown in the right side image below.

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How does Momentum fix this?

Let's look at the last summation equation of the momentum again.

Case 1: When all the past gradients have the same sign

The summation term will become large and we will take large steps while updating the weights. Along the curve BC, even if the learning rate is low, all the gradients along the curve will have the same direction(sign) thus increasing the momentum and accelerating the descent.

Case 2: when some of the gradients have +ve sign whereas others have -ve

The summation term will become small and weight updates will be small. If the learning rate is high, the gradient at each iteration around the valley C will alter its sign between +ve and -ve and after few oscillations, the sum of past gradients will become small. Thus, making small updates in the weights from there on and damping the oscillations.

This to some amount addresses our second problem. Gradient Descent with Momentum takes small steps in directions where the gradients oscillate and take large steps along the direction where the past gradients have the same direction(same sign).


By adding a momentum term in the gradient descent, gradients accumulated from past iterations will push the cost further to move around a saddle point even when the current gradient is negligible or zero.

Even though momentum with gradient descent converges better and faster, it still doesn’t resolve all the problems. First, the hyperparameter η (learning rate) has to be tuned manually. Second, in some cases, where, even if the learning rate is low, the momentum term and the current gradient can alone drive and cause oscillations.

First, the Learning rate problem can be further resolved by using other variations of Gradient Descent like AdaptiveGradient and RMSprop. Second, a large momentum problem can be further resolved by using a variation of momentum-based gradient descent called Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Descent.


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