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The connected components

  3 The connected components   Molloy and Reed [1995] showed that for a random graph with vertices of degree i, where   are non-negative values which sum to 1, the giant component emerges when So long as the maximum degree is less than   They also show that almost surely there is no giant component when and maximum degree less than Here we compute Q for our graphs. We are thus led to consider the value   which is a solution to If We first summarize the results here: 1.    When   the random graph a. s. has no giant component. When   there is almost surely a unique giant component. 2.    When     almost surely the second largest components have size   there is almost surely a component of size x. 3.       When   almost surely the second largest components are of size For any   there is almost surely a component of size x. 4.      When   the second largest components are a. s. of size   The graph is almost surely not connected. 5.        When 0 <β<